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A member registered Jan 04, 2021

Recent community posts

This game looks cool and fun as my type,  but there no way to save and load,  it crashed the firs game, so when restart game had to start over, but then I tried to start a small game and save, then load, nothing changes and save, load seems to do nothing at all :-(  hope fix for save

Yeah I downloaded it from Opera, but just wondering why it crash a chrome, I tried on Window Edge(I know it's chrome) but yeah both crash when downloading. restart and still so I had downloaded the Opera,(or Firefox would be fine) but hmmm, seems string.  The game however it is awesome and I really love any Factory type.  Just a great game for sure

hmm new update chrome crashes just from trying to download this, I tried to download anything else large and everything but my chrome crashes just downloading it :-(

So awesome, or scary :-)  whatever it is awesome.  

I do like this type of interesting :-)

Wow, this is a great game, I really like pretty much every thing, no bug(that I have) 

So awesome.

I just wanted to say that this is absolutely amazing, Thank you so much, it helps me so much just awesome!!!  -Tim